Scientific editing and translation

Reserved File Upload

Only those who have received ELSS job numbers can use this form to upload a file.
If you want to send files to ELSS without a job number, please use the Work request form instead.

marks required fields.

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Terms of Service

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Reserved Information

Number must be 7 digits

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Billing information

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Document details

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Figures and Tables

Please send all Figures and Tables even if you exclude them from editing/translation.
All Figures or Tables, including supplementary or supporting materials, will also be handled as specified here. If you have a specific request on some Figures and Tables, please instruct us in the Remarks field at the bottom of the next page.
Invalid Input

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Invalid Input

Tables should be editable if editing is required; in this case, please do not send Tables as image objects.

File Upload (working files)

Up to 15 files, 20 MB in total. Please submit your entire document, including, figures, tables, reference list, and any other accessories to the text.
We may need to contact you to clarify details before we start working on your document if some items/information are missing from your document.
In case tracked changes and comments remain in MS-Word files, we will accept all unless you instruct us otherwise.
Please avoid using symbols in the file name.
Examples of symbols that cannot be used: back slash (\), single and double quotation mark (' or "), exclamation mark (!), asterisk (*), colon (:), and hyphen (-)

File Upload for these file types only: docx (highly recommended), ai, avi, bmp, eps, gif, jpeg, jpg, lha, lzh, mcw, mov, mp3, mpg, pdf, png, pptx, psd, qt, rar, tar, tif, tiff, txt, wav, wma, wps, xlsx, zip.
For LaTeX users, please see here how ELSS handles LaTeX files
If these restrictions are difficult, then please contact ELSS by Email or phone for custom arrangements.
This cell must include a file to upload. That file must be in one of the specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

This cell must include a file to upload. That file must be in one of the specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

FYI File Upload

Up to 10 files, 10 MB in total.
Please upload reference file(s).
- Document(s) of previously submitted version
- Comments from journal editor and reviewers (preferably in English)
- Author’s responses to review comments (preferably in English)
- Other FYI files relevant to your document(s)

File Upload for these file types only: docx (highly recommended), ai, avi, bmp, eps, gif, jpeg, jpg, lha, lzh, mcw, mov, mp3, mpg, pdf, png, pptx, psd, qt, rar, tar, tif, tiff, txt, wav, wma, wps, xlsx, zip.
Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Unacceptable file format: this form accepts only specified file types.

Invalid Input

Depending on the size of the files you are submitting, the upload process can take up to several minutes. Please be patient and don't leave this page until you see the confirmation message.
If this page remains more than 5 minutes after you press the submit button, then the upload might have crashed, and you will need to start the process again from page 1.
When the upload has succeeded, you will see the Web Acknowledgement page with the message "Your form was submitted successfully" and an auto-reply message will be sent to the Email address you provided.
If you cannot see any message confirming upload success or the first page of the form is shown after you submit the form, please contact us at